4Q 2019 Earnings Conference Call
Samsung SDI intends to hold the Conference Call for the better communication with investors.
- Date
- January 30, 2020
- Time
- 1:30 PM(KST)
- Main Speaker
- Yoontae KIM , Vice President, Business Management Office
- Divisional Representatives for Q&A
Youngno KWON, Executive Vice President, Business Management Office
Heonjoon KIM, Vice President, Battery) Marketing Team
Seungman KIM, Vice President, EM) Financial Management Team
Presentation Slide Download
※ To listen to the conference call, click the 'play' icon on MEDIA PLAYER. (Voice)
※ This document is provided for the convenicence of investors only, before the external audit on our 2019Q4 financial result is completed.
The audit outcomes may cause some parts of this document to change.